The New School, Kellen Auditorium || SUNDAY, October 15, 3:00PM
Some Notes on Your Health
A sampling of medical opinions as helpful and unhelpful as the wash of information around us.
We all want to be healthy. We're on average living longer, learning more about our bodies and organs, and innovating new treatments, but by any estimation we have a lot left to figure out. Continuing uncertainties breed a constant barrage of advice in every media -- sound or unsound, scientific or subjective, free or at great expense. How does anyone sort it all out? The films in this program won't necessarily help you to do so (though some will!), but are intended to come together to explore the confusion of questions and contradictions we must live with right now. True or false, every medical opinion tells us something about humanity.

Though bookended in films taking a playful approach to these significant questions, the core of the program is very real: the latest in Parkinson's treatments, new avenues in olfactory study, and the new frontiers of the microbiome.

Tickets are $8 in advance, $12 at the door.
Time and location:

Sunday, October 15, 3:00pm
The New School, Kellen Auditorium
66 5th Ave, Room N101, New York, 10003

(Total runtime: 75 mins)

Vitamins for Life
How's your prostate?
The Smell Test
Feats of Modest Valour
Hybridities: Almost Other
Gut Hack
Persistence & Vision

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