Symbiosis Competition 2017
Supported by Science Sandbox, an initiative of the Simons Foundation.
At the 10th Annual Imagine Science Film Festival, our yearly short film competition will once again bring together scientists and filmmakers to create a science-inspired short film, this time involving our theme of Hybrid-Identity and taking place over the course of one week.
SYMBIOSIS participants have been selected! A warm welcome to our 12 scientists and filmmakers, who will be paired up on Imagine Science 10th Annual Film Festival's Opening Night.
Films are created over the course of our festival October 13-20.

On opening night, 6 filmmakers and 6 scientists will be randomly paired and sent off into the city to begin filmmaking with a $2500 stipend in hand. On Monday, October 16 at the Bowery Arts+Science , all pairs will meet with the public to go over cinematic works-in-progress and presentation of scientific feedback. The audience assisted by Tribeca Film Institute will provide feedback, and all final films will be screened on our closing night, October 20, when a winner will be selected!

While the overarching Imagine Science Film Festival theme this year is HYBRID, for symbiosis, we'll be focusing on a specific sub-theme of IDENTITY.

How does a recombinant genome shape an individual? How does a multi-faceted or interdisciplinary origin shape the concerns of the present? How do many factors create a cohesive identity?
    Symbiosis animation from our friends at Rooftop Animation below!
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