Extending our program via a monthly curated online magazine and video library! Jump to Labocine.
Labocine is an Imagine Science Films initiative to extend our film programming to a broader and more diverse audience. The platform contains over 7,000 film titles from 200 countries for all ages brought to you by artists, scientists, filmmakers and educators.
By experimenting with cinematic form and style, Labocine is committed to provoking scientific intrigue and understanding, always ensuring compelling and well-founded narratives. Periodically, Labocine releases Spotlights online. On the first Tuesday of every month, enjoy the issue selections which complement newsworthy science by proposing a surgically curated online festival. From documentary to fiction to lab footage, Labocine hopes to always challenge the way you understand, interpret and appreciate scientific ideas and perspectives.
Submissions: If you would like to submit a film or propose a program for Spotlights, write to film@labocine.com